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When you look at the eye, there are certain parts that you can see, like the Iris, the colored part, or the Pupilthe black circle, or the whites, the Sclera. But most people don't know what purposes these serves. The iris contracts to control the amount of light that enters the eye, and the pupil acts like a channel to bring in the image into the eye, and is covered by the clear Cornea. The sclera is the protective, breathing membrane of the eye ball, and this is covered by another layer, the Conjunctiva. This layer is filled with blood vessels and provides nourishment around the surface of the eye. 


How does the Eye work?

There are also parts of the eye you cannot see. Behind the pupil lies the Lens, with help bend and focus the light and image entering the eye. The lens focuses the image onto the Retina, a thin lining on the back of the eye ball, which relays message to the Optic nerve, which acts as a messenger to the brain. Within the eye is fluid known as the Vitreous, which helps keep the eye healthy and helps it retain shape. It maintains pressure and holds the retine to the back of the eye. Around the eye are a series of glands and drainage systems that moisten the eye and keep debris out of the way. 



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