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You outgrow crossed-eyes
20/20 vision is perfect vision

Refraction only measures one type of vision, your central vision. So in one regard yes, it means that your eyes are focusing at a certain ideal level. However, there are other forms of vision such as peripheral, color, or night. Also, your eye may have certain diseases while also presenting 20/20 vision, such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. 

For some children, it may seem like they outgrow their crossed eyes. Because of a flat bridge, their eyes look crossed, and as their face develops, this illusion changes. However, if the corssed eyes are due to a muscle defection or refraction error, not all children can outgrow this without medical assistance. 

Eyeglasses are meant to correct your vision, whether that be nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. They are simply aids to fix refractive errors. They will not damage your eyes. 

WRONG. Just like tasting too many things does not damage your tongue, using your eyes too much do not damage them. Your eyes were made for seeing. 

Wearing eyeglasses weaken your eyes
Using your eyes too much can wer them out

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